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High Performance Clinics & Retreats

with Sandy Collier and Barbra Schulte

Dramatically Improve Your Performance

Transform Your Showing 

Impact Your Life

Join Sandy Collier & Barbra Schulte for a Deep Dive into High Performance, Cow Work and Camaraderie

During a 3-Day Clinic Focused on Showing Excellence, You Will …

  • You will have real horse show runs… After learning more about how you can elevate your score and things that make a real difference from the judge’s point of view. This element is not part of our  High Performance Clinics. For more information about our clinics please click here
  • Become More Authoritative and Precise as You Make a Cut … Learn how to select and read cattle; position your horse for the cut and control a cow.
  • Move the 5 Main Sections of a Horse’s Body With Control … Acquire the critical technical skills of collection, guiding & moving your horse.
  • Become a Better Partner With Your Horse  Understand how a horse learns and how to most effectively communicate with him so he is a willing, responsive and relaxed partner.
  • Gain More Accuracy, Control and Rhythm Working a Cow  Learn how to work a cow with correct form and a pretty rhythm as you read the cow and the situation. You will learn how to better control a cow for both cutting and boxing.
  • Acquire the Mental Skills of World Class Athletes  Develop a deeper understanding of the mind-body-emotion connection. Throughout all riding sessions you will practice and apply research-based, easy-to-learn mental and acting tools to call up confidence, calmness and authority at will … in any situation. This is what allows your technical skills to come to life in the show pen.
  • Align Your Most Deeply Held Personal Values With Your Riding and Life Choices … You will leave with a deeper understanding of what you value most and what you really want in your riding and in your life. You will learn ways to align these values and desires to experience more peace within along with a quiet confidence.


    • You ride Reined Cow horses, Cutting horses or Ranch Horse Versatility horses
    • You love to compete
    • You have a trained reined cow horse, cutting horse or ranch versatility horse

Or join us for a 3-Day Retreat Focused on Skill Building & Trail Riding, if you are ready for…

  • A time to enjoy horses, riding & become even more connected to the many ways horses enrich your unique life.
  • A riding adventure to build your riding skills (work cattle, or not, your choice). We’ll be there to help you learn new skills and solve any riding challenges you want to address. There will be opportunities for us to coach you in the arena.
  • Trail riding adventures on spectacular trails.
  • Time to reflect on and design your next best steps for your riding…or the next best steps for your life.
  • A relaxing and inspiring getaway with fellow awesome horse-lovers.

To signup for our most up to date news, events and training articles, click HERE and receive 4 FREE videos!

And/Or visit our new website “” or our FaceBook page “Be Unstoppable” (click HERE)

For more information, please email us at

2025 Barb Schulte-Sandy Collier  Clinics and Retreats

2/24&25/2025  High Performance Clinic, Art of the Cowgirl at Wickenburg AZ

3/13-15/2025 High Performance Clinic, Thorson’s Arena, Morgan Hill, CA

9/30-10/2/2025 BeUnstoppable High Performance Clinic, Brasada Ranch, Powell Butte, OR

10/29-11/1/2025 Be Unstoppable Womens Retreat, Moab, UT


The difference between a High Performance Clinic and a Retreat is:

Our High Performance Clinics feature an in depth mental skills workshop the first afternoon. You will learn skills to build your confidence and gain knowledge to increase your scores. Then, the next 2 days will be spent working on technical riding skills, using the mental skills that you’ve just learned about and have actual show runs. We will work on making perfect cuts, position, rhythm, learning about cattle and characteristics etc. We will also spend time working on softness, collection, guiding, as well as boxing and going down the fence. These are a perfect combination of skill sets for Reined Cowhorse, SHOT, Versatility Ranch Horse and cutters. They are power packed clinics, open to men and women, and designed to make you unstoppable in the show pen!

We also offer retreats, for women only. These are scheduled at guest ranches that have their own horses for us to use. These retreats offer opportunities for reflection, inspiration, horsemanship skill building, rest (if you like), trail and arena riding. You may participate in as many or as few activities as you wish. This is your time to ride (or not), refresh your spirit, learn and take in the natural beauty of magnificent trail rides.